Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Movin' on Up! Finally Got a Piece of the Pie

So last week I signed the contract with my townhome builder. Yippee. And last Thursday I went to my mortgage lender to lock in a rate. I am so excited to have a place of my own. And I just love the street name, "Peppers Point".

It is small by most peoples’ standards, but I have always been one for cubbie hole living. I lived in one room with my roommate Lindsey while in college, then moved into a small apartment with my ex-husband (600 sq). And now once again I live in one room with a roommate, my son. Let me tell you 3 yr boys don’t make the best roomies. No respect for privacy. ;-)

It will be glorious to have a kitchen, bathroom and my own room. The place is 2 beds and one bath and the total sq. feet equal 1,220. Sounds like a mansion to me. It even has a small back yard. That was really my only requirement. It is new construction so right now the move in date is Feb 28.

Susan and Aidan

While I am talking about roommates. I wanted to post a picture of my current roommate, Susan. She has been so wonderful. As I was breaking up with my ex-husband and wasn’t sure where I was going to live she graciously took Aidan and I in. Rent in Williamsburg in not cheap. During that time I didn’t have much money to live on and I don’t know what I would have done without her.

Also I miss my old roommate Lindsey. Love you Girl.

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